Thursday, July 7, 2011

We Love Girl Scouts!

My daughter is a Girl Scout,
a second year "Daisy" to be specific and helping lead her troop is one of the great joys of Mommyhood!

So when I saw 
Robert Kaufman's 
"Girl Scout" line of fabrics, 
I just knew I had to create something with it!

That "something" became a...

 Girl Scout Quilt!

 I love the small squares within larger squares... 
when Girl Scouts is long behind us, I will have fun adding some of my daughters favorite patches to these areas!

And my favorite part...

It's quite subtle & hard to get a picture of, 
but along all four edges of the quilt, Laurel was able to add "key words" into the quilt. 

Here you can see "L" and "A" in "LAUGH"...

The "Key Words" are:
This is the back of the quilt & the print that I pulled the key words from.

Isn't it gorgeous?!
And the Lovely Laura had the idea to create 
matching pillow cases, with the extra fabric... 
Now if you know me, then you know I don't sew, let alone quilt! 
Although, both are on my "Bucket List" to learn to do! 

So to get my little project to take flight, 
I needed help and I found it in...

The Super Talented Seamstress
Laura Bennett of Sew Inclined
The Skillful "Longarm" Master 
Laurel Weaver of 
Heritage Quilting
(714) 840-4742

I am so grateful to these 2 artisans 
(and former Girl Scouts) for helping weave together a keepsake that my daughter & I will treasure for a lifetime!

Thank you ladies...
I'm a very happy camper!