"Paris is always a good idea"
~ Sabrina
as played by Audrey Hepburn
I dream of going to Paris!
After reading Tory Hoen's post
The photos by Dave Bloom are beautiful & it makes me want to spend my Sunday lingering over brunch, enjoying a movie at an art house cinema, nosing through bookstores & shopping for dinner at an open air market... no cell phone ringing, no schedule to keep. All the while moving at a leisurely pace, without a care in the world!

If you are fortunate enough to be planning a trip to Paris & you are an iPhone junkie like me, I came across a great iPhone app that you might be interested in ~ "The Key's to the Fleas" (this app guides you through the ins & outs of Paris flea markets, so fun!) The app comes from The Paris Apartment a wonderful website & blog that encompasses all things French!
Now you ask...
what does any of this have to do with "Too Stinkin' Cute"?
Well, I cannot imagine anything more
fun, festive or fabulous than Paris on a
Spring Sunday afternoon, can you?!
Au Revoir Mon Petit Cheri!
(NOTE: this is the extent of my French, please do not attempt to communicate with me in French)